Properties of bubbles
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Base setting
UIIcon: The icon displayed in the game interface.
GetIcon: The icon displayed after getting it.
ItemName: The name of the bubble.
SpecialPrefab: Custom prefab objects.
ItemLife: Bubble's health.
ItemScore: Bubble's base score.
ItemDepth: The depth of the bubble display.
ItemColor: The color of the bubbles.
Width: The width of the bubble, the default is 128.
Height: The height of the bubble, the default is 128.
ItemThick: The thickness of the bubble.
IsLevelThick: Whether it is the grade thickness of the bubble.
ShowThick: Whether to display the thickness of the bubble.
Properties setting
ItemLevelSetting: The level setting of bubbles, each pop reduces one level.
isFly: Is it a flying bubble. Flying bubbles don't drop, they find new places to stay.
IsPlayerGetMove: Whether the player will move to the target point after getting it.
IsRoundMove: Whether to enable moving around. After opening, if you are hit by a bubble, it will move to other bubbles.
IsFixed: Whether it is a fixed bubble. Fixed bubbles not falling.
IsCanPop: Whether it can be popped.
IsMagicPop: Whether it can be popped by magic bubbles.
IsStopPop: Whether to stop popping when this bubble is popped.
IsHitPop: Whether to popped when hit.
IsMatch: Can it be matched with other identical bubbles.
IsStopMatch: Whether to stop matching after reaching the current bubble.
IsOutToPop: It will explode on its own when the conditions are met.
IsFullLattice: It's a bubble that fills the lattice.
IsPlayAnimation: Whether to play animation effects.
IsPlayAroundAnimation: Whether to play an animation when surrounding bubbles pop.
Audio setting
PopAudio: The sound effect when popped.
DropAudio: Drop sound.
ToGetAudio: Start getting the sound when the action is taken.
GetAudio: Get the sound after the bubble.
Effect setting
PopEffect: Popped effects.
Expand setting
Event setting
RoundEvents: Triggered when bubbles around the bubble are popped.
PlayerDeathEvents: Triggered when the player pops a bubble.
SelfDeathEvents: Triggered when the bubble popped itself.